Thursday, September 4, 2014

Chairs With Unusually Innovative Design That You May Love to Try

Chairs are very common furniture or accessories in our home. We need to use the chair for comfy sitting in or we just sleep on the chair. Sometimes we may not pay any attention to them because the chairs at home are just too common. But if you get some innovative chair at home, you will enjoy sitting on the chair more frequently.

Now in the market, if you take time to shop around, you will see a variety of chairs made of cardboard, wood, glass or other different types of fabrics and chairs come in with different styles. Besides, the design of chair not only focuses on function, such as the appearance of ergonomic chairs, but also tends to be fashion conscious. Now, let’s have a look at some of the most innovative and even unusual chairs.

Colored Bloom Chair
Chair is often functional item, but it can be an ideal decorative item at home. This bloom chair is made of deep soft folds handmade from microfiber fabric, which ensures the great comfort, as well as offers a soft and comfy feel. The chair will make you feel like fairy-tale Thumbelina in a beautiful flower, which is the main design concept. If your room is limited in space, yet you still love to add something fresh, try to add this chair.

Coffee Cup Chair
I recommend this chair for its special design, and obviously, it has a resemblance to coffee cup. Yes, if you love to take coffee every day, this is the chair that you will love. The design of this chair also meets the needs functionally and decoratively. The seat is so cute and the silhouette of its coffee mug will just lure you to enjoy the coffee. What’s more, the handle can even be used to drape a bag or clothes.

Rocking Chair
Have you ever been to the beach? You must enjoy the breeze, the wave and everything fresh on the beach. Just imagine if you sit on such chair by the beach, life could be so wonderful and casual. Yes, this rocking chair is just the one that can offer you such feeling. But it is not at the beach. The plastic and pipe shape seems specially cater to the desire of beach life. The chair shape just impresses us by an electronic circuit. That’s cool.

Splash Chair
The first sight of this chair just reminds me of my last time splashing milk out on the floor. Maybe you have such experience. But the design of the chair is really innovative for you no longer have to do any cleaning up. Still, if you love to see the water splashes slamming into the surface of the lake and then just sending the ripples across the lake, you will love the design of this chair. It is really unusual chair and it is big enough for us to sit in.

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